home for good

Kindness Matters

Image text: How will you “make your mark”?
I will make my mark by inviting homeless people in to my home, find the adults a job, find the children a school, and here is how I am going to do it: Step 1: Find homeless people. I will go to a homeless shelter and pick up a few people and put them in the car. Step 2: Take people to my house. Take the people to my house. Step 3: Have dinner with people. We will have veggie soup. A good dinner for homeless people. Step 4: Jobs. I ask 2 adults what they wanted to be. They both said they wanted to be a nurse. Step 5: I ask the children if they had gone to school and they said no. So I sent them to school. I will repeat over and over. -Jackson

This artwork was recently shared with United Way’s Home for Good. Jackson attends elementary school in the Chattahoochee Valley. He reminds us that kindness matters, especially to the most vulnerable. His simple plan to help the homeless shows how “making your mark” in the world is all about helping others.  

Jackson’s plan points out we can all play a part in ending homelessness; we can start by being kind. People experiencing homelessness can often feel invisible. Kindness is free. It doesn’t cost anything to be considerate and thoughtful. During this challenging time, a simple smile or even a hello can remind someone they are seen and respected.  

Kindness is treating those around you with compassion, concern, and acceptance. It allows us to create meaningful connections and strengthens bonds. Kindness is practicing empathy. It is opening our eyes to the needs of others. This is what truly creates a community.    

What can you do? Practice acts of kindness and begin by being kind to yourself. Get enough rest, wash your hands, reframe thoughts to positive ones. Social distancing that has been recommended recently can cause loneliness. Practice kindness toward others by checking in on your neighbors. Remember that small acts of kindness make a significant impact, especially to our most vulnerable and at-risk citizens.   

Posted by Lauren Lynn in Blog, Featured